Cloud DNS

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* Do you know what SFTP is?

Suggested article: SFTP Fundamentals: A Deep Dive into Secure File Transfer Protocol

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to securely transfer files between systems. It’s an extension of SSH (Secure Shell) that encrypts both data and command channels, unlike the older FTP (File Transfer Protocol), which doesn’t offer encryption. It ensures that files remain protected during transmission, preventing interception or tampering.

SFTP uses port 22, the same as SSH, simplifying security by avoiding the need for multiple ports, as required by FTP. That way, it not only strengthens security but also makes firewall management easier.

Here is how SFTP works:

  1. Authentication: The client connects to the server by verifying its identity using methods like passwords or SSH keys.
  2. Connection: Once authenticated, a secure connection is established, encrypting all data and commands.
  3. File Transfer: The client can now upload, download, or manage files on the server.
  4. End of Session: The connection is securely closed when the transfer is complete.

With encryption at every step, SFTP ensures your data stays safe, even over insecure networks like the Internet.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we suggest taking a look at the following article about SFTP!